About Local 1352


You are required to contact the Local if you will be out of work for an extended time, as in a sickness or FMLA. This is needed to ensure your dues are suspended, which will prevent you from being lapsed. Your contact information and your last day worked should be given to your Local Chaiman, Jerome Finney, or directly to Michael Burton, your Secretary Treasurer. Our contact information is found below. You are also required to keep your contact information up to date, when moving or changing your phone number. I thank you in advance for your cooperation in these matters.

Local Lodge 1352 is YOUR Local Lodge. Feel free to contact any of your officers using the
information below:

President Michael Murphy
215-435-4943 mmurphy@iamaw1352.org
Vice President Damon Henry
267-403-0706 dhenry@iamaw1352.org
Recording Secretary John O’Donnell III
609-744-6829 jodennell3@iamaw1352.org
 Secretary Treasurer Adam Trush
215-872-6936 atrush@iamaw1352.org
Local Chairman Jerome Finney
215-205-9834 jfinney@iamaw1352.org
Conrail Vice Local Chairman Lawrence Dickson
609-471-1465 ldickson@iamaw1352.org
CSX Vice Local Chairman Amtrak Vice-Local Chairman Luigi DiRocco
215-704-3355 ldirocco@iamaw1352.org
SEPTA Shop Steward
Monthly meetings are held on the
2nd Thursday, 5:00 pm
New Deck Tavern, 34th & Samson St.
Philadelphia, PA
 Webmaster / Communicator
Michael J Burton

amtrak conrail  septaIAM19csxnorfolk southern

Member AFL-CIO

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